Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Fundamental problems of hydrogen and renewable energy and fuel cell technologies


Hydrogen production

Hydrogen Storage

Fuel cells

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2016


Basic problem of hydrogen energy


Hydrogen in alternative energy and new technologies

Fuel cells

The main objectives of the program

Working fundamentals of creation of materials, components and systems that would allow to reduce the cost and increase the durability of fuel cells for transport, stationary and offline use.

Expected results:

-will the new results about the influence of preparation technology, composition and structure on the main characteristics of a proton- and anion leading membrane electrode materials and catalysts for fuel cells based on polymer and solid oxide electrolytes;
-established mechanisms for improving the properties, including operating temperature, leading proton membrane modification with inorganic fillers;
-developed scientific bases of synthesis technology multicomponent oxide powders and ceramics on their basis for solid oxide fuel cells, optimized structure and clarified the nature of the electrical properties of the films of zirconium oxide stabilized complex additives, the mechanisms of degradation in terms of the necessary operating temperature and humidity;
-will create demonstration samples of polymer and oxide fuel cells that run on hydrogen, with improved performance and extended resources work.

Decree of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine
№ 363 of 09.06.2016