Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

«Development of scientific bases for hydrogen production, storage and use in autonomous energy supply systems»


Program projects

On the most important:



Fig. 1 The appearance of the hydrogen battery
Fig. 2 Design temperature field in a layer of a metal hydride LaNi5Hx hydrogen storage container

Fig. 2 Temperature field in the hydrogen battery LaNi5Hx layer

Area of application

Metal hydride batteries for hydrogen supply systems to fuel cells can be used as a part of wind-hydrogen or solar-hydrogen energy generating complexes on farms, livestock complexes, telecommunication companies, health resorts and other facilities that require reliable energy supply. The development is aimed at the use of autonomous power plants that use wind or solar energy to smooth the uneven energy supply and consumption in the utility sector.

Brief description

Creating efficient autonomous power plants with integrated hydrogen metal-hydride systems is a very difficult task because of the non-linear relationships between energy and mass flows in individual elements. Such systems require optimization of both the scheme of autonomous energy installation as a whole and the modes of operation of its components, based on the graphs of electrical load of specific consumers. In this regard, the prospects of creating highly efficient hydrogen systems are being opened, the use of which will provide energy to autonomous consumers and reduce the level of negative technogenic impact on the environment.

Expected properties

Based on the study, a technological scheme of an autonomous power supply system based on fuel cells has been developed, an approach to the creation of a metal hydride system for accumulating hydrogen and its supply to fuel cells has been substantiated. A calculation algorithm has been developed that allows you to calculate the annual energy balance of a specific consumer and select the necessary equipment to implement the scheme based on the annual schedule of heat and electrical load.


An alternative scheme of electricity and heat supply of an autonomous house without the use of imported fuel is proposed. The advantage of such a scheme is its closed nature, since hydrogen is produced on site to power the fuel cell, while the metal hydride hydrogen storage system is capable of carrying out absorption and its release processes due to the hot and cold water resources available in the system.


Gydrogenius LLC (Russian Federation)
PRAGMA INDUSTRIES (Z.A. de la Negresse,
40 rue Chapelet – 64200 BIARRITZ – FRANCE)

Project development

The calculation method provides a set of optimal technical solutions for determining the effective operating modes of an autonomous power supply system for supplying hydrogen to a fuel cell based on the graphs of the electrical load of a particular consumer using a computational experiment.

Intellectual property

  • Patent 111657 Ukraine IPC8 F01K 23/06, F01K 13/00, F02C 6/18. Power unit of a thermal power plant with a peak superstructure / Yu.M. Matsevity, V.M. Holoshchapov, O.L. Shubenko, V.V. Solovey, A.V. Rusanov (Ukraine). – No. a201410273; filed. 19.09.2014, published. 25.05.2016, Bull. No. 10.
  • Patent 103681 Ukraine, IPC8 С 25 В 1/12, С 25 В 11/03. Device for producing high-pressure hydrogen / V.V. Solovey, A.A. Shevchenko, A.L. Kotenko, O.O. Makarov (Ukraine). – No. 201115332; filed. 26.12.11; published 11.11.13, Bull. No. 21. – 7 pp.
  • Contact information

    Institute- Executor: A.M Podgorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

    Project 13 "Metal hydride storage container for systems supplying hydrogen to fuel cells"

    Project leader:

    Matsevity Yuri M.

    Academician NAS of Ukraine
    Doctor of Technical Sciences
    Head of Department for Simulation and Identification of Thermal Processes

    Tel. +38 057 394-47-54
    +38 057 349-48-02


    Chorna Natalia A.

    Contact Person

    Tel. +38 057 349-47-86
