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English version
    By Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
    April 19, 2004

    ¹ 2079
    by Establishing Conference
    of Ukrainian Materials Research Society
    Protocol ¹ 1

    January 28, 2004

    ². General statements.

    1.1. The Ukrainian Materials Research Society, hereinafter referred to as the UMRS, is an All-Ukrainian public non-profitable organization. Legal address of central statute organs: 3 Krzhyzhanovsky St., 03680 Kiev, Ukraine.
    1.2. The UMRS works under the Ukrainian Constitution and lows currently in force, and this Statute. It is not intended to get profit from UMRS activity.
    1.3. The general goals of UMRS are to promote development of scientific researches in the field of materials science, designing new technologies and materials, and solution of problems connected with material production and introduction in use, as well as protection of common interests of UMRS members.
    1.4. The main goals of UMRS are the following:
    • assistance in creating conditions for creative work of its members, which is directed to designing new materials, study their properties, development of technologies for production new materials, and parts and constructions made from them;
    • assistance in searching and technical and economic substantiating of promising ideas, programs and propositions in the field of contemporary materials science;
    • assistance in realization of advanced scientific-technical developments, consulting enterprises and organizations on problems concerning introduction of technologies for production advanced materials and application of them;
    • assistance in dissemination of scientific knowledge and progressive experience in the field of materials science;
    • assistance in raising the level of one’s skill, training and retraining of specialists which are engaged in materials science and production process;
    • assistance in development of international cooperation of its members;
    • assistance in protection of intellectual property, professional and social interests of its members.
    1.5. In realizing these goals, the UMRS in accordance with procedure established by current laws:
    • represents and protects the rights of its members in accordance with order established by current laws when working out the branch and inter-branch programs, projects directed to development, production and use of new materials, as well as when implementing these programs and projects;
    • represents and protects the interests of its members in governmental and public organs;
    • makes suggestions to governmental and managing organs as to development of academic, high-school, and branch sciences in the field of materials science;
    • analyses social programs and projects directed to scientific, technical, industrial and social development, which are connected with problems of designing new materials and technologies for production them;
    • assists in development of system for raising the level of skill of materials scientists and material producers;
    • assists in lawful and social protection of scientists, engineers, and other specialists who are members of UMRS;
    • in case of need, can achieve its goals and realize tasks through founding self-financing organizations having status of juridical person in accordance with order established by current laws;
    • holds non-profitable exhibitions, conferences, workshops concerning development of materials science, and creates charitable funds in that field;
    • disseminates information and popularizes its goals and activity;
    • contributes its share to the work of international organizations, develops international scientific cooperation.
    1.6. UMRS is free in choosing fields of its activity.
    ²². Rights and responsibility of Members.
    2.1. The members of UMRS can be Ukrainian citizens who admit the Statute of UMRS and whose activity corresponds to goals of UMRS.
    2.2. The members of UMRS can be labor collectives of organizations, enterprises etc., provided that their interests coincide with statements of Statute.
    2.3. The affiliation to UMRS or dropping-out makes the Bureau of UMRS according to application of natural person or resolution of labor collective of organization, enterprise, etc. The decision is considered as adopted, provided that majority of Bureau members presented at Bureau session approve that decision.
    2.4. The UMRS members have the rights to:
    • send their representatives as delegates to UMRS Conferences;
    • apply to UMRS organs on problems that meet topics of activity of society, get respective assistance and support, submit proposals to plans of UMRS work, and take participation in realization of them;
    • discuss freely and solve all the problems concerning UMRS activity, advance own opinion and press for accounting it in solutions;
    • leave voluntarily the UMRS.
    2.5. The UMRS members must:
    • follow the UMRS Statute;
    • carry out the decisions of UMRS organs, which have been made following the Statute;
    • pay annual membership fee.
    2.6. In case of breaking Statute requirements, the UMRS member can be expelled according to motivated decision of Bureau. The expelled members of UMRS may renew their membership on general ground.
    ²²². Organizational principles of work.
    3.1. The work of UMRS is based on principles of democracy and self-managing, collective nature of work of all UMRS organs. The discrimination of UMRS members with respect to national, religious, political, sexual and other features is prohibited.
    3.2. The relationships within UMRS are based on delegating authorities from bottom to top.
    3.3 The UMRS works following such democratic principles:
    • appointment by election of all organs, and giving regular reports about its work;
    • collective nature of work of all elected UMRS organs;
    • versatility of ideas and free discussion of problems;
    • respect of opinion of minority as to asserting their own viewpoint.
    3.4. The staff of UMRS organs works under laws for labor, social guaranteeing and social insurance.

    IV. Supreme organs and structure.
    4.1. The supreme organ of UMRS is regular or special Conference. The regular Conference is held with 5-year-periodicity.
    4.2. The quote for representation at regular and special Conferences is determined by Bureau, and the procedure for electing delegates is determined by each local collective member at its meeting.
    4.3. Regular UMRS Conference:
    • listens and approves the reports of Bureau and Auditing Commission, including those on finances for period between Conferences;
    • approves basic principles for sharing costs within annular budgets of UMRS;
    • approves the Statute of UMRS and makes additions and changes to it;
    • defines main areas of activity for UMRS or makes changes to them;
    • elects the President of UMRS, the Executive Director, the Bureau, and the Auditing Commission for 5-year period;
    • realizes the ownership rights for funds and property of UMRS;
    • makes decisions on liquidation or reorganization of UMRS.
    4.4. The Conference determines the procedure for voting (secret vote or voting by show) at elections, the regulations for Conference holding, and the number of Bureau members.
    4.5. The Conference decision is considered as law competent, if it is approved by not less than 50 % of Conference delegates, whereas decision about liquidation of UMRS and making changes and additions to Statute can be made only in case if more than 2/3 of full members of UMRS participating in Conference approve that decision.
    4.6. Special Conference is appointed by initiative of UMRS Bureau, Auditing Commission, or at request of 1/3 of primary (local) cells of UMRS, and it solves the following problems:
    • makes decisions on UMRS liquidation and property problems arising in this case;
    • works out and approves the regulations for liquidation commission and elects its members.
    4.7. The managing organ of UMRS for period between regular and special Conferences is Bureau of UMRS.
    4.8. The Bureau of UMRS:
    • coordinates work of the members of Society through directing their efforts to following the Statute statements and implementation of decisions of UMRS Conferences;
    • draws up the current plans and controls implementation of them;
    • approves entrance and membership fees;
    • fixes yearly budget of UMRS and evaluates its implementation;
    • represents and advocates the social and professional rights, needs and interests of UMRS members;
    • represents the UMRS in relations with foreign organizations;
    • informs members of UMRS about its activity;
    • approves the Regulations for UMRS staff;
    • approves the Regulations for UMRS Auditing Commission;
    • approves samples for stamp and symbolism;
    • calls for regular and special Conferences;
    • makes decisions on establishing primary (local) cells at enterprises, institutions, organizations;
    • makes decisions about affiliating new UMRS members or leaving UMRS;
    • contributes proposals at Conference as to changes and additions to Statute.
    4.9. Bureau sessions are held with a half-year periodicity on initiative of UMRS President or on behalf of President by Executive Director, or on initiative of at least 1/3 members of Bureau.
    4.10. The decisions of Bureau are taking by vote majority provided that not less than a half of Bureau members is present at session.
    4.11. The members of Auditing Commission take participation in Bureau sessions with consultative vote.
    4.12. The Bureau is accountable to UMRS Conference.
    4.13. The UMRS President and Executive Director are members of Bureau due to their positions. In case of equality of votes, that of President is decisive. In case of President absence, the vote of Executive Director is decisive.
    4.14. The UMRS President manages the work of Bureau, represents UMRS in governmental and economic managing organs, civil organs, defines functions of Bureau members, and signs up financial documents.
    4.15. Within period between Conferences, the UMRS President and Executive Director are accountable to Bureau.
    4.16. In case of UMRS President absence, the Executive Director performs his functions.
    4.17. Current solving of scientific-technical, social-economic, and financial problems makes Executive Director coordinating his work with UMRS President.
    4.18. The Executive Director manages scientific-organizing, financial, and economic work, forms a staff in accordance with labor contract (agreement), and signs up financial documents on behalf of UMRS President.
    4.19. The Bureau forms on public basis from its members and specialists the Commissions for main fields of UMRS activity, and approves the Regulations for them.
    4.20. In regions of Ukraine, the primary (local) cells of UMRS are formed, and activity of them is directed to achieving main goals of UMRS. The local cells follow to decisions of UMRS Conferences and Bureau. The meetings in primary (local) cells are held with two-year periodicity. The primary (local) cells may carry out their own actions, about which they have to inform the UMRS Bureau.
    4.21. The primary (local) cells are formed on the territorial base.
    4.22. The primary (local) cells follow in their activity the current Statute and Regulations for them, which should be approved by UMRS Bureau.
    4. 23. The primary (local) cells work in accordance with Regulations approved by supreme statute organ and confirmed by UMRS Bureau. To gain status of juridical person, the cells must be registered in accordance with established procedure. The cells that have no status of juridical person must be legalized via written notification to local juridical organs.
    4.24. Regional and city primary (local) cells can be founded with the rights of juridical person in accordance with procedure established by current laws.
    4.25. The Auditing Commission of UMRS is elected by Conference. Its duty is auditing financial-economic activity of UMRS, and it is accountable only to UMRS members Conference. The Auditing Commission elects Chairman from its members.
    4.26. The members of Bureau can not be involved in Auditing Commission.
    4.27. The Auditing Commission carries out auditing of financial-economic activity of UMRS once in a year. By decision of Conference, the auditing of financial-economic activity of UMRS can be carried out by independent auditing organizations on agreement.
    4.28. The decisions of UMRS Auditing Commission are approved by a majority vote of its present members provided that there is a quorum (more than 50% of members). The voting is performed by show. In case of equality of votes, the vote of Chairman is decisive.
    4.29. The members of Auditing Commission are elected for 5 years.

    V. Financial-economic activity.
    The finances of UMRS include basic funds and working capital that:
    • was given to it by its founders, members, or Government with procedure established by current laws;
    • gained from membership fees;
    • presented by citizens, enterprises, institutions, and organizations.
    5.2. The UMRS has the right to property and funds gained due to economic or other commercial activity of self-financing institutions, organizations, and enterprises founded by UMRS.
    5.3. Spending of finances and economical management of property within budget approved by Bureau is carried out in accordance with directives of Executing Director.
    5.4. Some special actions may be performed at the expense of purposeful funds of interested members of UMRS and other citizens and organizations.
    5.5 The staff of UMRS carries out the accountancy, statistical and financial accounting, and performs payments to governmental budget at the rate in accordance with current laws.
    5.6. The finances of UMRS are used for achieving its goals.

    VI. Legal status.
    6.1. The UMRS gains the status of juridical person from the instance of governmental registration at the Ministry of Justice. The UMRS has its own bank account, stamp with its name, and also the symbolism approved by UMRS Bureau. The symbolism is registered in accordance with procedure established by current laws.
    6.2. The self-financing enterprises, institutions, and organizations founded by UMRS have the status of juridical person.
    6.3. The UMRS participates in civil-lawful relations, gains property and non-property rights.
    6.4. The liquidation (reorganization) of UMRS is carried out based on the decision of its Conference or judgement of court. The finances and property of UMRS can not be distributed between its members in case of liquidation, and are given to another non-profitable similar organization, or in cases provided by the current laws these are transmitted to governmental income on judgment.

    VII. International relations.
    7.1. The UMRS can found international civil organizations or enter into them, complete respective agreements, establish direct international contacts and relations.

    VIII. Changes and additions to Statute.
    8.1. The decision on liquidation of UMRS and making additions to Statute can be approved only in case if more than 2/3 of UMRS members present at Conference vote to that decision.
    8.2. The UMRS informs the legalizing organ about changes in Statute within 5 days.