Nanomaterials and Their Using in Medical Goods. Monograph

V. Maksymenko,

I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Omeliana Pritsaka str.,3, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
- Kyiv: KIM, 2013 - 172 pp.


Textbook of FBМІ of NТUU «КPІ» – Кyiv: КІМ, 2013 – 172p.

Authors: Uvаrоvа І.V., Маksymеnkо V.B., Yarmola Т.М.

Statement of the main conceptions and state-of-the-art in an area of nanomaterials for using as medical goods and equipment are examined in the book as well as the main demands to these materials and methods for their production which allow to using them in medicine was formulated. The main attention is attached to properties of nanomaterials of artificial and synthetic nature and devices on their base which allow to improve the conditions for targeted drug delivery with prolongation of their action in defected places of living organism as well as to their using for diagnostics of diseases for their prevention and to widen the conditions of their using for bionanoelectromechanical systems.

Textbook are specified for students of materials science and biomedical specialties of higher education institutions as well as post-graduate students, teachers and specialists which work in the area of nano- and biotechnologies and medical instrument-making.