Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science NASU

Ukrainian leading centre of advanced scientific and engineering services, technical consulting and contract research and development in the field of Material science and advanced technology of metal, ceramic and composite materials...


Scientific centers

  • IPMS Scientific centers

    Several scientific centers and centers for collective use of appliances operate on the Institue's basis...


  • Scientific developments and products

    The Institute offers over two dozen products and scientific developments, including carbon nanotubes and refractory nanofibers, bone resurfacing and much more ..


  • Institute services

    The Institute conducts elemental and isotopic analysis of materials, as well as mechanical tests of materials and structural elements in normal and extreme conditions ...


Scientific directions and departments

  • Фото: Юлия Калгарина. Фотография поверхности нержавеющей стали, на которую был нанесен неравномерный слой лака, растрескавшегося в дефекте
    Main directions of research

    IPM includes 30 scientific departments united in 3 sections on research branches. 12 departments have own research laboratories, in the amount of 16. IPM staff counts 665 researches. The institute is also complemented by Chernovtsy branch.