Two components of shear stress field in glide plane in multicomponent alloys 


I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Usp. materialozn. 2022, 4/5:12-24


It was found that dissolved atoms in the two nearest atomic planes on each side of the glide plane in the multicomponent alloy CrCoNiFeMn create a short-wave component of the shear stress field in the glide plane. This component is characterized by greater standard deviation and shorter correlation length in comparison with the long-wave component. The long-wave component of the stress field is created by dissolved atoms that are located farther from the glide plane. This component has a correspondingly smaller standard deviation and longer correlation length than the short-wave one. Both components depend on the test segment length of dislocation. The stress calculated for a certain test segment length is actually averaged over this segment. The standard deviations of the short-wave and long-wave components of the stress field are complex functions of the test segment length. They generally decrease with increasing this length. The reduction of the short-wave component is especially noticeable at short test segment lengths. The correlation lengths opposite almost do not depend on the test segment length. The ratio between the standard deviations of the short-wave and long-wave components becomes such that it does not allow to neglect the long-wave one, when the test segment length is approximately equal to the full correlation length of the long-wave component. Two components of the shear stress field could explain the thermal and athermic components of the solid solution strengthening of multicomponent alloy.

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