Thermodynamic properties of melts of Cu—Yb and Cu—In—Yb systems

V.Kudin 2,
A. Dudnik 1,

1 I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Usp. materialozn. 2022, 4/5:87-98


The partial and integral enthalpies of mixing of the melts the Cu—Yb system were determined at a temperature of 1453 K in the composition range 0 < xCu< 0,8 (at xCu == 0,67) by method isoperibolical calorimetry. They correlates with the data for these melts, known from the literature in the range compositions 0 < xCu< 0,7. It was established that they are formed with the release of a small amount of heat: the minimum ΔH = –9,7 ± 0,8 (at xCu = 0,7), which correlates with the data for these melts, known from the literature in the interval composition 0 < xYb< 0,3 at 1453 K, as well as other Cu—REM systems.Using the model of ideal associated solutions, all the thermodynamic properties (Gibbs energies of mixing melts, enthalpy and entropy of formation of intermetallic compounds and associates) of the Cu—Yb system were calculated. It turned out that the activity of the components in the melts of this system exhibit moderate, negative deviations from ideal solutions. Calculations using the IAR model also made it possible to establish that with increasing temperature it increases slightly, but more significantly, and also to optimize the diagram state of the Cu—Yb system.As a result, it was possible to obtain complete information on the thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria in the alloys of the Cu—Yb system. The partial enthalpies of mixing of the components of the ternary melts of the Cu—In—Yb system were measured in 5 sections with a constant ratio of the other two components (xCu/xIn = 0,36/0,64; xCu/xIn = 0,62/0,38; xIn/xYb = 0,62/0,38; xCu/xYb = 0,64/0,36; xCu/xYb = 0,21/0,79), determined by calorimetry to x3 = 0,3 in the temperature range 1453—1473 K.Іt was found that partial enthalpies of mixing of componentsfor melts of four cross sections wit h xCu/xIn =0,36/0,64; xCu/xIn = 0,62/0,38;xIn/xYb=  0,62/0,38; xCu/xYb=0,64/0,36; xCu/xYb=0,21/0,79 partial enthalpies of mixing of components increase due to the rupture of bonds between dif erent atoms of the original double alloys. On the contrary, formelts with xIn/xYb = 0,62/0,38 partial enthalpies of mixing of components Cu are reduced from 30 to 10 kJ/mol. This indicates that the rupture of bonds between dif erent atoms of the original double alloys, because the af inity of copper for indium and ytterbium is small. Using the experimental partial enthalpies of mixing of components and integral melts of the 5 studied cross-sections of the Cu—In—Yb ternary system, they were approximated according to the Redlich—Kister—Mujian model in a wide range of concentrations (Fig. 3, 4). It is established that the experimental ΔH,    and calculated according to the Redlich–Kister–Mujianu model agree with each other.It is shown that the activities of the components in the melts of this system, calculated according to the Redlich–Kister model, show small negative deviations from ideal solutions at 1450 K. From these data, was calculated ΔG, ΔS. It was found that ΔGmin = –19 kJ·mol, ΔSmin = –15 J·mol K accounts for the alloy In0,5Yb0,5. This correlates with the thermochemical properties of Cu—In—Yb melts.

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