ІПМ НАНУ ім. І.М.Францевича

9-та міжнародна Самсонівська конференція “Матеріалознавство тугоплавких сполук”

16.1.2024 Конференції

Dear colleagues!

We are happy to announce the IXth International  Samsonov   Conference   Material  Science of Refractory 
Compounds  (MSRC-2024).

Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science NAS of Ukraine, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Кyiv Polytechnic Institute», and Frantsevich Ukrainian Materials Research Society regularly (every two years) organize a conference on Materials Science of refractory compounds and materials. The forum bears the name of an outstanding scientist Grigoryi Samsonov, one of the founders of Materials Science of advanced refractory carbides, nitrides, borides, silicides, etc. Over 400 refractory compounds were synthesized and extensively characterized under his supervision and described in 36 books. Out of this knowledge, industrial technologies of these compounds were developed and commercialized.

We will hold the MSRC-2024 on May 27-30, 2024 predominantly offline with the main venue at Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, Kyiv, Ukraine. However, for those of you who will not be able to join in-person, we are also keeping the possibility of joining the conference online.

MRCS-2024 will include key speeches, invited talks, oral and poster presentations, covering the following topic areas:

  • Synthesis and Properties
  • Ceramics and Composite materials
  • Low-dimensional Materials and Nanostructures
  • Films and Coatings

We will publish the event details in February, 2024. For now, all you need to do is to save the date. Please, contact us at  MSRC-2024@umrs.org.uaif you need some assistance concerning the conference.


MSRC-2024 Organizing Committee