
Бистренко Олексій Васильович

Наукові інтереси

01.04.07 – фізика твердого тіла

Інші публікації:

  • O. Bystrenko, J. Jiang, F. Dong, X. Li, J. Qiu, J. Liu, J. Zhang. Kinetics of bonds at structural breakdown in boron carbide under intensive loads: a molecular dynamics study. Comp. Mat. Sci. 180 (2020) 109711-1-6
  • , В.Б.Винокуров, Б.А.Галанов, Л.М.Мелах, А.В.Быстренко. Спекание ультравысокотемпературной керамики: процессы на границах зерен и формирование свойств. В кн.: Наука про матеріали: досягнення та перспективи, т.1, Київ: Академперіодика, 2018, с. 121-152
  • O Bystrenko and V Kartuzov Interface structure and contact melting in AgCu eutectic. A molecular dynamics study 2017 Mater. Res. Express 4 126503, 1-8
  • O.Bystrenko, V. Kartuzov. Contact melting and the structure of binary eutectic near the eutectic point. J. оf Alloys and Compounds 617 (2014) 124–128
  • O.Bystrenko, T.Bystrenko. Self-organization of dissipative and coherent vortex structures in non-equilibrium magnetized two-dimensional plasmas. Phys. Scr. 82 (2010), 035501 -1-9
  • O.Bystrenko, T.Bystrenko. Nonlinear screening of charged cylindrical macroparticles in plasmas. Phys. Scr. 78 (2008), 025502-1-4
  • O.Bystrenko, T.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Grain interaction and ordering in a dusty plasma. In the book: "Ionic Soft Matter: Modern trends in Theory and Applications", edited by D.Henderson et al., Springer (2005), 291-314
  • O.Bystrenko, T.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Computer simulations of charge fluctuations in dusty plasmas. УФЖ, 2005, Т.50, 557-562
  • O.Bystrenko, T.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Charge fluctuations of a dust grain embedded in a weakly ionized gas. A Brownian dynamics study. Phys.Lett.A329 (2004), 83-87
  • O.Bystrenko. Structural Transitions in One-Dimensionally Confined One Component Plasmas. Phys.Rev. E67, 2003, 025401-1-4 (R)
  • O.Bystrenko. Crystal structure of strongly coupled one-component plasmas confined in quasi-two-dimensional geometry. УФЖ, Т. 48, 2003, 1055-1061
  • O.Bystrenko, T.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Screening of high-Z grains and related phenomena in colloidal plasmas. Cond.Matt.Phys. Vol. 6, 2003, № 3, 425-445
  • O.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Screening of Dust Grains in a Weakly Ionized Gas. Effects of Charging by Plasma Currents. Phys.Rev.E67, 2003, 066403-1 -5
  • O.Bystrenko. Calculation of the Coulomb energy in quasi-two-dimensional systems. Phys.Rev. E65, (2002), 037702 -1-4
  • A.G.Zagorodny, A.G.Sitenko, O.Bystrenko, P.P.J.M.Schram, S.A.Trigger. Statistical theory of dusty plasmas: Microscopic description and numerical simulations. Phys. of Plasmas 8(5), (2001), 1893-1902
  • O.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Structure of strongly coupled colloidal plasmas: A Monte-Carlo study. Phys.Lett. A274 (2000), 47-52
  • O.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Critical effects in screening of high-Z impurities in plasmas. Phys.Lett. A255 (1999), 325-330
  • O.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Nonlinear screening of high-Z grains and formation of Coulomb lattices in colloidal plasmas. Phys.Lett. A262 (1999), 72-75
  • O.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Minimal charge asymmetry for Coulomb lattices in colloidal plasmas: Effects of nonlinear screening. In the book: “Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas” edited by:Y. Nakamura et al. (1999), Elsevier Science, 409-412
  • O.Bystrenko, A.Zagorodny. Nonlinear phenomena in screening of highly charged grains in plasmas. Cond.Matt.Phys. 1, (1998), 169-178
  • A. Быстренко, И. Охрименко. Исследование квадрупольных резонансов в α-О16 рассеянии. Ядерная физика, т.56 (1993), 51-64
