Cast steel with adjustable austenitic transformation during operation, obtained by electroslag remelting

V.V.Lukianchuk 1,
L.A.Myroniuk 1,
G.L.Shvedova 2,

1 I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2 Kyiv national university of trade and economics, Kyiv

Usp. materialozn. 2020, 1:77-85


The ligature for finishing of base steel 3H3M3Ftype for obtaining steel 4H3N5M3Ftype with adjustable austenitic transformation is developed in the article. The phase-structural state of steel in the cast state is investigated. The uniform distribution of alloying components on the body of grains is shown. It was found that the investigated hardened steel is softening above the tempering temperature of 620 °C, because the heat resistance of steel decreases (below 40 HRC). It was developed a 3H3M3F base steel ligature for steel production with adjustable austenitic transformation of 4H3N5M3F brand. Ingots (ligature of the Fe—Ni—Mo—V—Mn system) weighing 25 kg were obtained. The ligature was obtained by means of an induction furnace in a casting mold. The temperature of the metal in the furnace before release was 1550 °C. The duration of refining did not exceed 20 minutes. The phase-structural state of cast steel is studied. The uniform distribution of alloying components on the body of grains is shown, as well as the absence of coarse carbide eutectic in metal. This allows to reduce energy-intensive technological operations (diffusion annealing, forging) for the die toolsmanufacture. The presence of martensitic structure in the steel in the cast state of the investigated ingot requires the main thermal operation — annealing. It is established that incomplete annealing at a temperature of 750 ± 20 °С under the condition of partial recrystallization of the investigated steel allows to improve the mechanical processing (cutting) for the production of the die tool. It was determined that the investigated hardened steel hardens above the tempering temperature of 620 °C, because the heat resistance of steel decreases (below 40 HRC). Thus, a die tool of the investigated steel for hot deformation, capable of operating up to the temperature of 620 °C. 

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