Zahornyi Maksym

Scientific interest

  • Direction: heterogeneous photocatalysis, optically active nanocomposites based on titanium dioxide to ecology and biomedical application. Speciality: 102-chemistry (02.00.04-physical chemistry).
  • Experience in scientific and scientific-pedagogical work in scientific institutions and institutions of higher education - 18 years.
  • Email:

Main educational and methodological and scientific publications

  •  He has 80 publications, including scientific works published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional publications.
  • The published results were successfully used in the educational courses "Chemical kinetics and thermodynamics of interphase phenomena and dispersed systems" for students of KPI named Sikorskyi in the speciality 161 "Chemical Technologies and engineering", and also at the Department of Hygiene and Ecology No. 2 of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets (official confirmation letters are attached).
  • From 2016 to 2020, took an active part in the implementation of the Horizon 2020 project with an internship in Portugal (a copy of the official confirmation letter is attached). The results of the work are published in a book (the web link of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is attached). Functional nanocomposites based of titanium dioxide. Lambert Academic publishing – 2018.
  • From 2020 to 2021, responsible executor of the project "Formation of innovative photocatalytic nanostructured materials based on ZnO and TiO2" (No. 0120U1011830). From 2020 and the responsible executor II-12-20 (Н) "Development of photocatalytic nanocomposites for the inactivation of viruses in the air" (state registration number 0120U102260).
  • The introduction of polyaniline increases the absorption of photons and the rate of phenol remidiation allows us to use TiO2 anatase nanocomposites in the future as water filters, flexible sensors, and optically active elements. The combination of C3N4Ox with TiO2 (anatase) nanoparticles, as well as their combination with polyaniline, allows for the construction of efficient electronic heterojunctions with the possible regulation of the molecular structure, which is promising for increasing their photocatalytic activity with more efficient use of solar energy.


  • Zahornyi Maksym Mykytovych date of place 7.04.81
  • In 2004, he graduated from the National Technical University "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" with a major in "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances".
  • PhD of Chemical science in 2011. The dissertation was defended on May 26, 2011, at the specialized academic council of the Institute for Problems of Materials Science I. M. Frantsevich of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, who received diploma DK No. 001264 dated November 10, 2011.
  • 20.06.23Senior Researcher (speciality 102).


1.Sokolsky G.V. Toward TiO2-MnO2 nanocomposite photoelectrodes for organic dye degradation /G.V. Sokolsky, N.V. Gayuk, M.N. Zahornyi, E.I. Boldyrev, L.V. Zudina, T.A. Kamenskaya, A.I. Melnik // Monograph “Promising materials and processes in applied electrochemistry” of editor–in–chief V.Z. Barsukov–Kyiv.: KNUTD, 2019. – P. 48-59 (ISBN 978-617-7506-48-4).

2. Zahornyi M.M. Nanostructured Optical Composites of TiO2(C3N4Ox)/Pani for Photocatalytic Application (chapter 26) /M.M. Zahornyi., O. M. Lavrynenko, O. Yu. Pavlenko, M. E. Bondarenko [et al.]// Springer Proceedings in Physics Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites, Nanostructure Surfaces, and Their Applications/ In: Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. (eds) Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites, Nanostructure Surfaces, and Their Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics. Springer, Cham.- 2023. vol. 280. – P. 369-384. (Scopus).


3.Zahornyi M. Nanosized Titania Composites for Reinforcement of Photocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis/ M. Zahornyi, G. Sokolsky //Academic Cambridge Scholars Publishing.-2022, P. 275 (ISBN: 978-1-5275-7786-2).

4. Zahornyi M. Functional nanocomposites based of titanium dioxide/ M. Zahornyi // Lambert Academic publishing, 2018, P. 157, ISBN: 978-613-8-27486-5.

5. Zahornyi M. Synthesis, structure and properties of polyaniline / M. Zahornyi // Monograph book LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017, P. 61 (ISBN 978-3- 659-63404-8).


.Zahornyi M. Nanosized powders as reinforcement for photoactive composites (Overview) / M. Zahornyi // Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. –  2017. –  Vol.56, N3-4, P. 130–147. (Q3) doi: 10.1007/s11106-017-9880-x.

7. Zahornyi M.M. The Ag Influence on the Surface States of TiO2, Optical Activity and Its Cytotoxicity.  Zahornyi M.M., Tyschenko N.I., Lobunets T.F., Kolomys O.F., Strelchuk V.V., Naumenko K.S., Biliavska L.О., Zahorodnia S.D., Lavrynenko O.M., Ievtushenko A.I. / Journal of Nano-And Electronic Physics. – 2021. – Vol.13, N6 06009(5pp) (2021) doi: 10.21272/jnep.13(6).06009 (Scopus Q3).

8. Lavrynenko O.M. Characteristic of TiO2&Ag0 nanocomposites formed via transformation of metatitanic acid and titanium (IV) isopropoxide/ O.M. Lavrynenko, M.M. Zahornyi, E. Paineau, O.Yu. Pavlenko, N.I. Tyschenko, O.I. Bykov// Materials Today: Proceedings. – 2022. – V.62. – P. 7664-7669 - (Scopus, Q2).

9. Lavrynenko O.M. Structure and thermal behavior of CeO2 and TiO2 nanopowders doped with noble metals/ O.M. Lavrynenko, Zahornyi M.M., Pavlenko O.Yu., Bykov A.I.// Applied Nanoscience. – 2022. – V.13. – P. 5115 – 5124. (Scopus, Q2).

10. Lavrynenko, О.М. Synthesis and Properties of Nanocomposites Based on Iron and Titanium Oxides and Modified with Silver / O.M. Lavrynenko, M.M. Zahornyi, N.I. Tyshchenko, O.A. Kornienko, A.I. Ievtushenko// Materials Science.-  2021. V.57, N2. – P. 195-200. (Q3).

11. Lavrynenko O.M. Nanocomposites based on cerium, lanthanum, and titanium oxides doped with silver for biomedical application/ O.M. Lavrynenko, M.M. Zahornyi, V.V. Vember, O.Yu. Pavlenko, T.F. Lobunets, O.F, Kolomys, O.Yu. Povnitsa, L.O. Artiukh, K.S. Naumenko, S.D. Zahorodnia, І.L. Garmasheva// Condens. Matter.- 2022- Vol. 7, N3, 45. (Q2).

12. Lavrynenko O.M. Synthesis of Active Binary and Ternary TiO2-based Nanocomposites for Efficient Dye Photodegradation/ O.M. Lavrynenko, M.M. Zahornyi, E. Paineau, O.Yu. Pavlenko // Applied Nanoscience. – 2023, (Q2) (особистий внесок здобувача: обговорення результатів по cинтезу нанокомпозитів, дослідження фотокаталітичної активності подвійних й потрійних нанокомпозитів, опис фотолюмінесценції зразків).

13. Zahornyi M.M. Structure, Optical and Biomedical Application of Nanosized Composites Based on TiO2, Fe3O4 (Review)/ M.M. Zahornyi., O.M. Lavrynenko, O. Yu. Pavlenko, N.I. Tyschenko, M.A. Skoryk, O.A. Kornienko// In: Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. (eds) Nanooptics and Photonics, Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology, and Their Applications. NANO 2020. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 264. Springer, Cham.особистий внесок здобувача: дослідження морфології зразків TiO2 й Fe3O4, написання огляду).

14. Ievtushenko A,  Dzhagan V.,  Khyzhun O.,  Baibara O.,  Bykov O.,  Zahornyi M., Yukhymchuk V.,  Valakh M., . Zahn D. R. T,  Naumenko K.,  Zaremba P.,  Zagorodnya S. The effect of Ag doping on the structure, оptical, and electronic properties of ZnO nanostructures deposited by atmospheric pressure MOCVD on Ag/Si substrates//Semiconductor Science and Technology. – 2023.- V.38, N7. – P.075008 doi: 10.1088/1361-6641/acd6b2

15. Povnitsa O., Zahorodnia S., Artiukh L., Zahornyi M., & Ievtushenko A. (2023). Photodynamic Treatment of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles is a Convenient Method of Adenoviral InactivationMikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal85(3), 61–69. Retrieved from

16. Zahornyi M.M. Morphological, spectral and toxicological features of new composite material of titanium nanodioxide with nanosilver for use in medicine and biology/ M.M. Zahornyi, O.P. Yavorovsky, V.M. Riabovol, N.I. Tyschenko [et al.] // Medicni perspektivi. –2022. – Vol.27, N1. – P.152–159.
