Wetting of ferroelectric BaTiO3-ceramics by different pure metals and some alloys


I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Omeliana Pritsaka str.,3, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
Adhesion of Melts and Brazing of Materials - Kiev: Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science NASU, 2006, #39


The wetting of perovskite ferroelectric BaTiO3-ceramics in vacuum by pure metals and some alloys, which contain the active component, in particular Cu-Sn-Ti melts, was investigated. Ti addition to Cu-Sn alloys increase the wettability strongly: contact angle drops from 136 degrees (for Cu-8,6 Sn) to ~20 degrees (for (Cu-8,6 Sn)- 25 Ti). The wetting of BaTiO3 in air medium by Ag-Cu-O melts at varied copper concentration at the temperature of silver melting was also investigated. The concentration of copper varied in the rang 0-17% (mas.). Increasing of copper concentration, and so increasing of oxygen concentration in melt lead to improvement of BaTiO3 wetting by Ag-Cu-O melts. It was established that brazing fillers on the base of Cu-Sn-Ti and Ag-Cu-O system may be used for the brazing of BaTiO3 (semiconducting ceramics in first case and ferroelectric - in last).