Effect of Molybdenum Additions on the Structurization of Fe–Mo Alloys and Contact Interaction in the TiB2–(Fe–Mo) Systems


I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Omeliana Pritsaka str.,3, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
Powder Metallurgy - Kiev: Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science NASU, 2016, #09/10


The structurization of Fe–Mo alloys at 5–30 wt.% Mo is studied and contact interaction of these alloys with titanium diboride is examined. The Fe–5 wt.% Mo and Fe–9 wt.% Mo alloys consist of an α-Fe metallic structure with inclusions of Fe2Mo intermetallics. The Fe–13% Mo alloy based on the α-Fe solid solution contains individual inclusions of Fe3Mo2 intermetallics. When the Мо content of the alloys increases to 17–30 wt.%, Fe2Mo and Fe3Mo2 intermetallics form intensively and make the alloy brittle. Zero contact angles are observed for the (Fe–13 wt.% Mo) and (Fe–17 wt.% Mo) alloys. The TiB2–(Fe–13 wt.% Mo) system is characterized by chemical interaction leading to additional molybdenum, iron, and titanium boride phases. The TiB2–(Fe–13 wt.% Mo) system shows no brittle intermetallic phases. The contact interaction in the TiB2–(Fe–17 wt.% Mo) system leads to the intensive formation of complex molybdenum–iron–titanium borides; there is also a great number of Fe3Mo2 intermetallics. The TiB2–(Fe–13 wt.% Mo) system is promising for the development of new composite materials and coatings with high wear resistance.