
Об эффекте упорядочения мета-нитроизомера — продукта реакции электрофильного нитрования монозамещённых бензола и закономерности растворения фуллерена С60 в монозамещённых бензола


I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Omeliana Pritsaka str.,3, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii: Allerton Press, Inc., 2012, Т.10, #4


The effect of meta-nitroisomers’ ordering is discovered and consists in the fact that the distribution of nitroisomers in order of increasing of concentrations of meta-nitroisomers, product of the reaction of electrophilic nitration of monosubstituted benzene, leads to the formation of monosubstituted benzene table, where each compound has a fixed-determined place by the location of ortho-, meta- and para-nitroisomers. An explanation for changes in the composition of the reaction products of electrophilic substitution under the influence of positive mesomeric effects and positive electric charges of substituents is given by the method of comparative study of physicochemical parameters of monosubstituted benzene. Positive energy field of substituents’ charges changes the mobility of π-electron system of aromatic nucleus, and its action is directed, primarily, onto the meta-positions. As shown for the first time, the solubility of C60 fullerene in halogen benzenes and alkyl-benzenes proceeds by the same mechanism–the nonlocalized π-electron system of benzene nucleus is the reacting factor. The molecules of C60 fullerene in solution are in the form of complexes with a π-type charge-transfer. As suggested, the lone pair of p-electrons of halogens is the responsive factor in methyl-substituted benzene containing the halogen atoms in the methyl group.