67. Department of Hydrogen Material Science and Carbon Nanostructures



Main courses of discovery

Fullerene theme

The dept No.67 "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures" of IPM NASU is the only unit in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine engaged in synthesis, extraction and identification of fullerenes. Also, the department is the only structure in Ukraine that synthesizes fullerenes, endofullerenes and their derivatives in gram quantities.

In order to popularize and develop researches, the dept # 67 supplies fullerenes at no cost (free) to the departments of IPM NASU, scientific and commercial structures of Ukraine, as well as to researchers from Switzerland, Romania, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

The dept # 67 is the key to the lock of Ukrainian nanotechnology, as the whole world say that nanostructural research is primarily the science of fullerenes and graphene!

Hydrogen storages (drives)

The dept No.67 IPM of the NASU has developed, designed, and manufactured more than 20 modifications of hydrogen drives used by various organizations, 3 modifications of metal-hydride hydrogen burners for melting and cutting precious metals. In addition, a test stand has been developed, designed and manufactured to certify high-pressure vessels used to make hydrogen drives. The department provides hydrogen storages to the scientific and commercial structures of Ukraine.

The dept No.67 has its own unique technology for the creation of hydrogen drives, so the department overtook similar manufacturers and even researchers of this topic for many years.

Plasma technology

In the dept No.67 IPM of the NASU the technology for production of the research equipment to study the interaction of hypersonic aircraft sheathing materials , as well as the first wall of nuclear reactors with various chemical composition plasma at temperatures of up to 2000оC was developed. The research laboratory includes a complex of plasma-chemical installations (units):

  • 1. Microweights in plasma (T - up to 1500оC, mass sensitivity - 1 µg). The installation allows to study the change of the sample mass by gravimetric method when it is in the plasma of a given chemical composition and when temperature, pressure and degree gas ionization vary (change).
  • 2. Plasmachemical installation with radiant heating of the sample (to 1200оC). The installation allows to study the effect of radiant heating of the sample up to 1200о C on the morphology of the surface, the structural and phase composition of the sample when it is in the plasma of the specified chemical composition and when the temperature, pressure and degree of gas ionization change. The thermal resistance of the protective tiles of the "Buran" spacecraft were studied on this installation.
  • 3. Plasmachemical installation with convective heating to study the interaction of a material (large compact samples) with plasma of a given chemical composition (up to 1500оC). The installation allows to study the change of large compact samples mass, surface morphology, structural and phase composition when they are in the plasma of a given chemical composition and when the temperature, pressure and degree of gas ionization change.

Such technologies allow to study the behavior of aircraft, rockets, satellites sheathing, etc. under hypersonic acceleration conditions in plasma of different chemical atmosphere composition. And it is also possible to study the processes of the ionospheric environment impact on the various sheathing of aircraft, even if they are moving at above-sonic speed, which is significant factor for the development of the Air and Space Forces of any country.

Physics and mathematics research

The dept #67 deals with: theoretical studies of the structures and properties of metals, alloys, intermetalides and other crystals and studies various phase transformations of the type: order - disorder in crystals with many (more than 20) complex structures and explore different types of ordering: atomic, magnetic (ferro- and antiferro-), superconducting, charge, dipole, deformation, including near-ordering, as well as phase stratification. The properties of crystals such as the solubility of components, configuration heat capacity, dielectric susceptibility, elastic give-up, deformation modules; dielectric, deformation, magnetic hysteresis have been studied too.

For the first time, complex studies of orders in crystals with different physical natures were performed. Before that, the ordering was studied according to literary sources only for atoms and their magnetic moments. A statistical thermodynamic theory of atomic ordering and the physical properties of alloys of different structures has also been developed.

The researches are carried out within the framework of the Academician Adrian Anatolyevich Smirnov school. Theories of phase transformations in solids are developed, their mechanical, molecular, thermal, electrical, magnetic, dipoly, elastic and many other properties are studied. Comparisons were made of theoretical calculations with literary experimental data.

It should be noted that in the works of the dept # 67 there is a deeper analysis not only of atomic crystals of various cubic and hexagon structures, but also of molecular crystals with geometrically complex lattices. Theories not only of atomic and magnetic ordering were developed, but also spin, charge, dipole, deformation ordering are researched; not only dia-, para-, ferromagnetics, but also ferroelectrics and ferroelastics were studied.

Proceedings and Activities

The scientific director of the dept #67 "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures" has been and remains D.V. Schur since 1994. Dmitri has always liked to create something new in the department #67, has always been the initiator of the creation of a number public organizations and even research institutes. In 1992, the Institute of Hydrogen and Solar Energy (IHSE) was established in collaboration with leaders of the scientific community. Since then, a number of public organizations have been established every five years: in 2004, the Hydrogen Energy Association in Ukraine (AHEU) has been established; in 2009, the Carbon Association in Ukraine; in 2014, the World Energy Technology Association (WAET).

In 1995, the dept No.67 "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures" was one of the authors of Ukraine"s only state standard for hydrogen energy: TSTU-3027-95 "Vodneva Energetica terminy ta ih znachennia. Order 62 of February 28, 1995. The State Standard "Hydrogen Energy / Terms and Definitions" (DSTU-3027-95) began to operate on January 1, 1996 and approximately contains 23 pages excluding changes. The authors of this standard (V. I. Savchenko, V.A. Barakhtyan, V.V. Solovey, Yu. F. Shmalko, D. V. Schur, S. E. Pitulko, M. V. Lotosky, V. I. Kolosov, L. I. Herman, B. V. Borz) were among the first “to raise” hydrogen energy in Ukraine.

The staff of the dept No.67 IPM NAS of Ukraine form the organizing committee basis of the International Conference Hydrogen Materials Science (ICHMS), which took place in Ukraine every two years, since 1987. In 2019, preparations for the next ICHMS series conference, which will be held in September 2019 in Odessa, are actively underway.

In 2010, the dept No.67 team organized International Conference the NATO Science for Peace and Security Series Science "Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean-Energy Hydrogen Systems."

During these conferences (since 1993), the department has edited and published in English and Russian languages a collection of conference abstracts, which exceeded 1200 pages in some cases.

Emploees of the dept #67 have written sections and chapters in a number of encyclopedias, such as the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Solid Body Physics (Kiev, “Naukova Dumka” ,1998), Inorganic Materials Science (publishing house "Naukova Dumka",2008) and the Chapter "CARBON NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS - I-II" (123 pages) in English (2017) in UNESCO Encyclopedia.

The dept # 67 regularly publishes and complements D.I. Mendeleev"s periodic table, which provides an idea of what elements and how each element interacts with others. That is, the table is a short encyclopedic guide. The tables are released every two years: 2003, 2005, 2007, 2018.

In 2018, together with American scientists, an expanded table of the periodic system of D.V.Mendeleev elements was prepared and published. The Mendeleev"s periodic system of chemical elements is supplemented with data that allows it to be used as an encyclopedic reference. In addition to the standard information commonly present in such tables, information is also provided on the hydrogen compounds that each element forms. In addition, it allows you to quickly find an answer to the question of what chemical elements the element under study interacts with other elements and how. Each cell in the table contains a large amount of information derived from the analysis of many reference books and monographs. A periodic table in paper can be purchased at the office of the International Hydrogen Energy Association (IAHE), and there is also an electronic version of Mendeleev"s Periodic Chemical Elements System. In addition, information about it can be found on the IAHE website in the "Recommended Books" section.

The dept # 67 has also received a number of Ukrainian and international patents in the field of Hydrogen Energy and Carbon Nanostructures:

  • In 2016, " Hydrogenation of nanostructured carbon materials method and installation for its implementation" (Republic of Kazakhstan);
  • In 2011, "Compositional Materials" i20110070 (Azerbaijan);
  • In 2007, "Painted Paper and the Way It Is Made (Options)" (Ukraine);
  • In 2006, "A Way to Produce Pure Nanodispersal Powders of Metals and Alloys" (Ukraine);
  • In 2005, "Filtering sorbing paper-like material, mainly paper" (Ukraine);
  • In 2005, "The Paper Manufacturing Method" (Ukraine);
  • In 2004, "A way to extract fullerenes from fullerene-containing soot" (Ukraine);
  • In 2003, "A Way to Manufacture a Hydride Electrode of Metalhydrid Chemical Current Sources" (Ukraine);
  • In 2002, "A Way to Get Fullerenes From Solutions in Toluol" (Ukraine).

Since the first days of the department No.67 IPM NASU existence, its team are actively engaged in publishing activities. The department"s staff has published special editions of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (USA): 1995 V.20, N5; 1996 V.21, N11/12; 1997 V.22; 1999 V.24, N 2/3; 2001 V.26, N5; 2011 V.36. #1. Since 1997, S,Yu. Zaginaichenko has been inducted into the editorial board of this magazine. In addition, D. V. Schur and S.Yu. Zaginaichenko were invited in 1998 to the editorial board of the International Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems (Canada).

Since 2002 6 special editions of "Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Metal Hydrides" in the NATO Science for Peace series have been produced and published by “Kluwer” Publishing house (Holland) under the editorial singdown of the dept #67 IPM NASU staff ; Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials" 2002, No.71 (500 pages); 2002 No.82 (300 pages) and 2004 No.172 (680 pages) and Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean Energy Hydrogen Systems 2008, No.1 (910 pages); 2012 No.1 (573 pages).

Since 2000, 9 monographs have been prepared for printing and published:

  • Trefilov V.I., Schur D.V., etc. " Fullerenes - the basis of the materials of the future " (2001);
  • Matysina Z.A. and Schur D.V. "Hydrogen and solidphase transformations in metals, alloys and fullerites" (2002);
  • Matysina Z.A., Zaginaichenko S. Yu. "Defects of the structure of crystals" (2003);
  • Matysina Z.A., S. Yu. Zaginaychenko, Schur D.V. "Physical phenomena and properties of crystal surface" (2004);
  • Matysina Z.A., S.Yu. Zaginaichenko, Schur D.V., Veziroglu T. N., Veziroglu A., Zolotarenko An. D., Zolotarenko Al.D., et al. “Hydrogen in Crystals”, part of the monograph, was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2017);
  • Zaginaichenko S.Yu., Schur D.V., Veziroglu T. N., Veziroglu A. "Features of the Interaction of Hydrogen with Metals, Alloys and Compounds" (published in English, 2019) etc.

The monographs "Fullerenes - the basis of the materials of the future" (2001) became literally a textbook on nanostructural carbon materials. It is equally successful as teachers (Academician V.V. Skorochod, etc.) of the universities, and so students - neophytes, mastering new directions in the material science of carbon nanomaterials. The book is currently being translated into Spanish, Azerbaijani and Georgian.

In 2006, the team of the dept #67 paid great attention to the translation of the book “Solar-hydrogen energy. The power that can save the Earth” from English to Ukrainian - "Soniachno-Vodneva Energy. The power, yaka zdatna vriatuvatu zemlu". This book in 2006 was the first Ukrainian-language book to make up for the lack of knowledge in solar and hydrogen energy not only in Ukraine .

The dept # 67 archive has more than 600 scientific publications in different languages.

In 2019, Hirsch"s dept #67 index reached 28 and the citation statistics were 2375.

International credibility.

To the date, the department has 4 foreign graduate students (Romania, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan), not counting wishing graduate students from India and Iran.

Rewards and thanks

The successes of the dept #67 researchers have been repeatedly awarded with prizes, medals, certificates and diplomas from various international conferences and forums. As well as employees were repeatedly noted for their achievements in solving scientific problems and creativity in conducting research within the country and abroad. The department"s staff was also awarded honorary certificates for the publication of books.

In 1994, by the decision of the National Space Agency of Ukraine and the Federation of Cosmonautics of Ukraine for closed research in the field of hydrogen plasma, the dept No.67 of NASU was awarded medals named after the academician M.K. Yangel.

In 1995, by the decision of the National Space Agency of Ukraine and the Federation of Cosmonautics of Ukraine also for closed work on the development of the engine to correct the trajectory of microsatellite and hydrogen engine the dept No.67 was awarded medals named after the outstanding world-renowned scientist Y.V. Kondratyuk.

In 2004, at the V Regional Intercollegiate Competition for the "best scientific, educational, educational-methodical and artistic-publicist edition" the department No.67 of the IPM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was awarded a certificate from the Foundation for Social Protection, Support and Assistance to Scientists of Ukraine and Members their families for the book "Defects of the structure of crystals" which took the first place in the category "Monography".

In 2004, the staff of the dept # 67 were awarded a certificate from the Academician V.V. Scorochod for their achievements in solving scientific problems and creativity in conducting research in the field of hydrogen material science and nanostructural carbon.

In 2006, participating in the VI Intercollegiate Competition for "Best Scientific, Educational, Educational-Methodical and Artistic-Publicist Edition" the dept No.67 received the first place in the category "Monograph" on two monographs ("Orders of different types in crystals and phase transformations" and "Physical phenomena and properties of the crystal surface).

Every year between 2006 and 2012, the dept No.67 IPM NASU was awarded a certificate from the Rector of the Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Gonchar for its fruitful scientific activities and significant contribution to the training of qualified professionals.

In 2007, the organizing committee of the International Hydrogen Energy Congress (IHEC) emphasizes the valuable scientific, technological and organizational contribution to the congress of the laboratory No.67 of the NAS of Ukraine in the form of certificates.

In 2009, the dept No.67 IPM NASU were awarded a diploma for its contribution to the development of Renewable Energy from Prof. Dr. Beijan Ibrahimoglu (Anadolu Plasma Technology Center, Turkey).

In 2014, two research internships at Ecole Polytechnique Federate de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland) as part of a "scientific collaboration between Eastern Europe and Switzerland" brought two PhDs to the dept #67 IPM NASU (Anatoliy D.Zolotarenko, Alexandr D.Zolotarenko) and in 2015 the department was allowed to participate in the competition for the 2015 “Reaxys PhD Prize” "the Best Dissertation of the Year" (Hong Kong) as part of the World Reaxys PhD Prize. Symposium

In 2014, the employees of the department #67 were awarded an honorary certificate from Academician V.V. Skorochod for significant achievements in research and personal creativity in the field of hydrogen material science and nanostructural carbon, and for active public activities, as well as in honor of the 20-th anniversary of the Department No.67 of the Institute of Problems Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

In 2015, two research dissertations of the department No.67 IPM NASU were awarded the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the special achievements of young people in the development of Ukraine.

In 2017, the scientific-theoretical group of the department No.67 of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine were noted by the staff of the Institute of Metal physics named after G.V. Kurdyumov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for a significant contribution to the development of national science and for the authority among the scientific community due to inspiration in the combined with daily hard work.

In 2018, on November 27, the department No.67 IPM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was marked by an anniversary honorary certificate from Academician Paton B. E. for achievement in solving scientific and scientific-technical problems, implemented developments in the national economy and the practice of socio-cultural construction, training and stuffing of personnel, active participation in public life and selfless conscientious work.

In 2019, the personnel of the department No.67 IPMS NASU were awarded an honorary certificate by Academician Solonin Y.M. for their achievements in solving scientific problems and creative approach in conducting research in the field of hydrogen material science and nanostructure Carbon, as well as for active participation in public life and in honor of the 25-th anniversary of the department No.67 of the Institute of Problems Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The scientific structure of the department

The List of scientific and technological groups of the dept No.67 IPM of NASU:

  • The arc synthesis of fullerene-containing soot;
  • Extractation and separation of fullerenes;
  • Synthesis of nanostructural materials by hydrocarbon pyrolysis and CO disproportion;
  • Synthesis of carbon nanostructures and composites in the liquid phase;
  • Synthesis of endofullerene-containing soot.

The List of research groups of the dept No.67 of the IPM of NASU:

  • Study of the emission properties of catados based on nanostructural carbon;
  • Study of the electrochemical properties of fullerene solutions;
  • Physical analysis methods
  • Mechanical activation and dispersing of materials;
  • Exploring the interaction of fullerenes with cellulose;
  • Study of hydrogen-intensive materials;
  • Thermoanalysis of carbon nanostructures;
  • Exploring materials for fuel cells.

The scientific and theoretical group of dept # 67 IPM of the NASU:

  • Physics and mathematical methods of solid scan research.

The List of auxiliary groups of the dept No.67 IPM NASU:

  • The Design Bureau;
  • Computer processing of experimental data;
  • Scientific information and patent studies.


The laboratory No.67 IPM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was established due to the order of the director of the Institute (IPM NASU) academician V.I. Trefilov on December 9, 1994 as a technology laboratory. Then, by the decision of the Scientific Council of the IPM and the Presidency of the Academy, the laboratory was approved as a scientific unit of the IPM of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The order to enlist Schur Dmitri Viktorovich as the head of the Laboratory No.67 of the National Academy of Ukraine as a result of the open competition is dated by December 9, 1994. The laboratory staff at that time (1994) were 17 people.

The formation of scientific subjects and the staging of research work in the newly created scientific laboratory were carried out with the direct participation of Viktor Trefilov, who has always been an active conductor of new ideas and supported the most bold undertakings and always bravely took up the staging and solution of the most complex scientific and technical problems.

The main task of the established laboratory was to organize research in the field of hydrogen energy: to study the problems of converting solar energy into hydrogen energy, its accumulation, safe storage and transportation. At that time, nanostructural carbon and based it composites were considered as high-capacity hydrogen storage. And for this reason, great efforts of the laboratory staff were aimed at improving the methods of synthesis and studying the properties of these materials.

In 2003, 59 working specialists were recorded for the 10-th anniversary of the Laboratory No.67 of the IPM NANU. Of these, 17 scientists, including 1 doctor of physics and mathematics and 9 PhDs, 29 engineers, 12 technicians and 1 highly skilled worker.

In 2008, on January 21, due to the order 16 on the transformation in the structure of the IPM NANU Laboratory No.67 "Research of processes and systems of hydrogen and helium-hydrogen energy conversion" was renamed to the Department No.67 "Hydrogen Material Science and Carbon Nanostructures." Since then, Dmitri Victorovich Schur took the position of the head of the department No.67 "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures" as a result of an open competition and continued to lead the creative team of the former laboratory No.67 IPM NASU.

In 2015, there were 9 PhD grade researchers and 2 professors for the 20-th anniversary of the the dept No.67 IPM of NASU.

Throughout the lifetime of the dept No.67 IPM of NASU under the Dmitri Schur leadership, the already young team is rejuvenated. In 2019, as in 2003, 33% of the department"s staff are young people aged about 35 years. Now the dept #67 consists of 17 groups. Of these, 9 are scientific, 5 - scientific and technological and 3 - auxiliary groups.

All laboratories of the department No.67 "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures" of the IPM NAS of Ukraine are equipped with unique research equipment, manufactured by the department"s employees and existing in a single copy.

Research path

Throughout the existence of the dept #67 "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures", that is, for 25 years, the researchers performed not only the budget themes of the departmental order and targeted topics, but also work on contracts for the National Space Agency of Ukraine, for the Office of Critical Technologies of Ukraine, for the Ministry of Science of Ukraine, the Southern, Science and Technology Center in Ukraine. As a result of this fruitful cooperation, not only SNG (Russian- Union of Independent States) projects, but also world-class projects have been successfully implemented. As a result, dept #67 was awarded various diplomas and medals.

Already in the early years, the team of the department are trying to participate in the program of nanotechnology. Joint researches are being carried out with Indian, American, Canadian, Turkish, Polish, Korean, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian and Russian scientists. For many years, the world-renowned scientist of the Institute V. B. Chernogorenko took part in the research of carbon nanomaterials together with the department"s employees. On his initiative and with his help, the work on the systemization of scientific information concerning the synthesis and physical and chemical properties of carbon nanoobjects was started. M.M. Antonova was also at the origin of this activity. The creation of a huge database provided generalized conclusions in various areas of carbon material research and laid the groundwork for the first Russian-language monograph –“Fullerenes - the basis of the materials of the future”.

In 1999, in connection with the beginning of scientific researches in Ukraine in the field of nanostructural carbon and the signing of the Russian-Ukrainian program "Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters", Academician V. I. Trefilov, as the head of this program, assigned responsibility for the preparation and implementation of organizational activities to the department No.67. Academician Viktor Trefilov attached great importance to the staging and expansion of the researches in this area. The order to organize these studies in the IPM of the NASU was written by him himself.

More than 80 projects from 42 scientific organizations in Ukraine were collected during the preparation of the program. On the basis of the department, the equipment for the synthesis of fullerenes and carbon nanostructures were purchased, modernized and launched, designed to provide the participants with research facilities. However, the resignation of the government of V.A.Yushchenko and the death of Academician V. Trefilov prevented the implementation of the plan, and promising developments in this area remained unclaimed, and the projects were unfulfilled.

Currently, the dept # 67 is a research center that conducts the training of university students in practice and familiarizes them with the peculiarities of the technological process synthesis of the hitherto unknown world objects of fullerenes and nanostructural carbon.

Scientists of the dept # 67 "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures" collaborate with researchers from many countries: the United States and Canada, England and Poland, Taiwan and Japan, China and India, Azerbaijan and Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkey, Germany and France, Bulgaria and Tajikistan, Belarus and Russia, Argentina and Mexico, Brazil and Australia, Holland, Greece and other countries.

Researchers of the department had the opportunity to meet and discuss various problems with such world-renowned scientists in the field of hydrogen energy and hydrogen materials science as: Prof. Garry Sandrock (USA); Prof. Alfred C. Switendick (USA); Prof. T. Nejat veoglu (USA); Prof. Bogdan Baranowski (Poland); Prof. Louis Schlapbach (Switzerland); Prof. S. Suda (Japan); Prof. Alexei Tupolev (Russia) et al; with scientists in the field of nanotechnology and carbon nanostructures: Prof. Joop Schoonman (Netherlands); Prof. Fredericks Baker (USA); Prof. Mildreds Dresselhaus (USA); Prof. Peter A. Thrower (USA); Prof. Harry W. Kroto (UK), nobel laureate, who discovered the fullerenes; with scientist, who predicted the possibility of a fullerene molecule C60 existing, Prof. Eiji Osawa (Japan); world-renowned experimenter Prof. Wolfgang Kratschemer (Germany), thanks to which hundreds of thousands of researchers were able to synthesize and study fullerenes and fullerene-like materials in gram quantities; Academician Yuri Andreevich Osipyan (Russia) and many others.

The dept No.67 IPMS of NASU is the organizer of the International Conferences:

  • From 1987 to 2003, the International Conferences “Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials (ICHMS) was held in Ukraine;
  • Since 2003, the International Conference of Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials (ICHMS) has been held every two years in Ukraine;
  • In 2010, NATO"s International Science Conference "Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean-Energy Hydrogen Systems";
  • From 2019, the International Conference “Hydrogen Materials Science, Metall Hydrides and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials” (ICHMS"2019).

The dept No.67 IPM of NASU was the initiator for the creation of a number public organizations:

  • In 1992, the Institute of Hydrogen and Solar Energy (IHSE);
  • In 2004, the Hydrogen Energy Association of Ukraine (AHEU);
  • In 2009, the Carbon Association in Ukraine;
  • In 2014, the World Energy Technology Association (WAET).

Since 1994, stuff of the dept No.67 IPM (NASU) "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures" has been involved in the editorial board of international journals:

  • New Materials for Electrochemical Systems (Canada);
  • International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (USA);

Since 2002 the dept No.67 IPM of NASU - editor of six collections of the NATO Science for Peace:

  • «Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Metal Hydrides»;
  • «Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials»;
  • «Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean Energy Hydrogen Systems».

The department"s staff has published special editions of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy in the United States of America:

  • International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 1995 V.20, N5;
  • International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 1996 V.21, N11/12;
  • International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 1997 V.22;
  • International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 1999 V.24, N 2/3;
  • International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2001 V.26, N5;
  • International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2011 V.36, N1.

Edition of chapters in encyclopedias:

  • In 1998, "Self-Agreed Field" in the encyclopedic dictionary "The Physics of solid body" , Kiev ,the publishing house "Naukova Dumka";
  • In 2008, two chapters were published in the encyclopedia "Inorganic Materials Science" , Kiev , the publishing house "Naukova Dumka";
  • In 2017, the UNESCO Encyclopedia published two chapters of CARBON NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS – I .

The publication and extension of the periodic table by D.I. Mendeleev gives an idea about a lot of chemical elements and how any element interacts with others. That is, the table is a short encyclopedic guide. It has been updated every two years since 2003, 2005, 2007, 2018.

The dept No.67 IPMS of NASU organized research internships:

  • In 2011, a one-year internship at the Plasmochemical Center (Ankara, Turkey).
  • In 2014, two research internships at Ecole Polytechnique Federate de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland) as part of a "scientific collaboration between Eastern Europe and Switzerland" and as a result of which two doctor"s dissertations (Ph.D) were successfully performed.

These research papers were included in the 45 best works of the world in 2015 as part of the “World Reaxys PhD Prize Symposium”, after which the authors (Anatoly D. Zolotarenko and Alexander D. Zolotarenko) were invited to participate in the competition “Reaxys PhD Prize 2015” in Hong Kong.

The dept No.67 IPM of NASU has received a number of Ukrainian and international patents in the field of Hydrogen Energy and Carbon Nanostructures. Publications of the dept No.67 researchers comprise more than 600 scientific articles in various languages (including 9 monographs published since 2000).

In 2019, The dept No.67 had the Hirsch index 28 and the citation statistics 2375.

The dept No.67 IPM was twice awarded by the Decision of the National Space Agency of Ukraine and the Federation of Cosmonautics of Ukraine medals named the academician M.K. Yangel and medals named the world-renowned scientist J.V. Kondratyuk.

The dept No.67 IPM researchers have been repeatedly commended for their success in addressing scientific challenges and for their creativity in research within the country and even on a global scale. Employees were repeatedly awarded by honorary certificates for the publication of books.

Carbon Nanostructures

For the last 20 years, Department No. 67 “Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures” IPM NASU, has been studying and synthesizing various new carbon nanostructures.

Today Department No. 67 of the IPM NASU has 6 proven advanced methods for the synthesis of carbon- containing nanostructures (pyrolysis, plasma-chemical method in gas and plasma-chemical method in liquid, mechanochemical method, plasma-chemical in ultra-high-frequency emitting discharge, electrochemical method). Confirmation of this over 700 publications.

Department No. 67 of IPM NASU has developed more than 5 methods for the synthesis of graphene (arc synthesis in the gas phase, arc synthesis in the liquid phase, mechanochemical activation of graphite, ultrasonic treatment of graphite, plasma-chemical deposition of carbon from the gas phase). Now, the development of technologies for the synthesis of graphene, each of these methods.

Currently, Department No. 67 of IPM NASU is creating a research laboratory, manufacturing compact products using 3D printing using carbon nanostructures. On the basis of the laboratory, there is a collaboration with the company «KVAMBIO», with the manufacturer of its own 3D printers and the leader in 3D printing in Ukraine, the USA and Europe.

No less important are the developments of department No. 67 of the IPM NASU in the field of synthesis of carbon nanostructures lying in the creation of nanostructured composites, where the metal nanoscale particle is coated with a carbon nanostructured film that protects it from chemical interaction with any aggressive environment. Creating nanocomposites will allow to take a step towards the creation of new materials, such as: various coatings that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation of various wavelengths. And this, in turn, is the creation of a new material that will protect against various types of radiation.

The principle of creating such composites will make it possible to impart various mechanical, electrical, magnetic and other physicochemical properties to the synthesis products, thereby making them the “New Generation Material”, which makes them a demanded material of the future.

Unique methods for the synthesis of carbon nanostructures in department No. 67 of IPM NASU:

І - Evaporation of graphite in a gas phase (He) by arc method (ARC) at different pressures. This equipment exists only at the disposal of the executors of the proposed project.

II -Evaporation of graphite in a liquid medium of different chemical composition and at different temperatures. This equipment was created by the authors of this project. Liquid phase synthesis method was developed by scientists of the Department №67 of the Institute for Problems of Materials Science by I.N.Frantsevich of NASU, in which the project participants work. The liquid phase synthesis method was first reported at the Carbon Conference in the USA in 2000 and will be used in this project. It allows, thanks to a rapid process (1•10-10, 1•10-14 seconds), to obtain carbon nanostructures containing 5-6% of amorphous carbon impurities only and having no catalyst in their volume.

III - The synthesis of nanostructures in the reactor with horizontal and vertical orientation will be carried out by the method of pyrolysis of hydrocarbons. Modifications of the pyrolysis furnace with vertical gas supply were also developed by the staff of Department №67 of the Institute for Problems of Materials Science by I.N.Frantsevich of NASU to be used in this project. The development of carbon nanostructures by many methods enables us to design and construct new nanostructure synthesis reactors for 3D printing.

IV - Other low-performance synthesis methods.

The list of exclusive analytical capabilities of the Department No. 67 of IPM NASU:

  • 1. Spectrophotometric analysis method;
  • 2. Thermogravimetric analysis of substances;
  • 3. Analysis of the hydrogen capacity of materials;
  • 4. Hydrogenation of materials and their analysis;
  • 5. Analysis of materials for creating fuel cells;
  • 6. Thermogravimetric plasma chemical analysis;
  • 7. Mechano-chemical activation as an analysis;
  • 8. Analysis of electrochemical properties;
  • 9. Analysis of the cathodes emission properties;
  • 10. Analysis of the material for the synthesis of nanostructures;
  • 11. Analysis of material suitable for the synthesis of fullerenes;
  • 12. Product analysis for fullerene content;
  • 13. Analysis of the material for the endofullerenes synthesis;
  • 14. Analysis for the content of endofullerenes;
  • 15. Analysis of materials suitable for the synthesis of higher and lower fullerenes;
  • 16. Analysis of the products for content of higher and lower fullerenes;
  • 17. Physical and mathematical analysis of solids;
  • 18. Analysis of hardness;
  • 19. Analysis by polarization microscopy;
  • 20. Analysis of a Material for 3D printing;
  • 21. Analysis of the material for its modification;
  • 22. Precursor analysis for the possibility of exofullerene synthesis;
  • 23. Exofullerene Content Analysis.

How to contact us

The Department No.67 "Hydrogen Materials Science and Carbon Nanostructures" of the Institute of Problems Materials Science (Division No.67 of IPM NASU)

Ukraine, 03142, Kiv, Vul. Krzyzhansky 3, a/b 195.
The head of the department Dmitri Schur (from 1994 to the present):
Phone / Fax: 38 (044)-205-79-36.
Email: dmitry.schur@gmail.com

The Dept # 67 Organizing Committee:

Phone: 38 (098)-50-60-057;
Fax: 38 (044)-205-79-36.
Email: org@lab67.kiev.ua; a.d.zolotarenko@gmail.com