The Statistical-Thermodynamic Theory of P—c—T-Dependences for Zirconium—Nickel Alloy Trihydride ZrNiH3


I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Omeliana Pritsaka str.,3, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
"Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies" : Publishing House ‘Academperiodika’ of the N.A.S. of Ukraine , 2015, Т.37, #4


The theory of hydrogen solubility in Zr—Ni metallide of equiatomic composition is developed on the basis of molecular-kinetic concepts. The functional dependences of hydrogen content in the crystal on temperature and pressure are determined. As stipulated, the hydrogen sorption processes are realized at the sufficiently low pressures (of about 1 atm) and the moderate temperatures (of the room-temperature order). The isotherms and isopleths of hydrogen solubility are calculated. The possibility of manifestation of the hysteresis effect is ascertained. As shown, the dependence of natural logarithm of pressure on the inverse temperature for the studied alloy is a strictly linear. The results of theoretical calculations are compared with a lot of experimental data.