
Study of the rolling process of P6M5K5 powder by processing on a rolling mill


I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Usp. materialozn. 2022, 4/5:106-110


Powder processing of the P6M5K5 alloy in rolls of the rolling mill has been performed. There was no contamination, and the oxygen content was not increased during the processing. Processing of the sprayed powder of the P6M5K5 alloy was carried out on a two-roll press DUO 180 with a speed of rotation of 10 rpm. Only one of the rolls was rotating, which made it possible to carry out a combination of three types of impact on the material - compression, impact, and abrasion. The gap between the rolls was zero. The number of processing passes varied from 5 to 20. For the use of powder in 3D printers, the optimal fractional composition of the powder is from 50 μm to 160 μm. The fractional composition of the powder was measured by its dispersion on a vibrating sieve analyzer of the ROTAP type. Since the process of destruction of any brittle material depends on their initial properties, the grinding of this material on a rolling mill cannot be quantitatively unambiguous. In processing the powder, rolling of the powder dominated, and the particles themselves were not easily destroyed. The reason for this turned out to be insuf icient rigidity of the DUO 180 rolling mill for this powder. As a result of the processing of the P6M5K5 powder in the rolling state, the fluidity of the powder significantly decreased by more than 2 seconds from 22 s to 20 s, which is 10%. This is evidence that a rolling process took place, which led to a decrease in the number of satellites. Five cycles of processing the powder in the rolling mill were enough to reduce the fluidity by 10%. Increasing the number of processing cycles to 20 did not change the fluidity of the powder, but led to its slight grinding.

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