Uspihi materialoznavstva

Founder and Publisher: Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science NASU

Name of journal: Успіхи матеріалознавства (Uspihi materialoznavstva)

Parallel journal name according to ISSN: Uspihi materialoznavstva

Abbreviated name of the journal  according to  ISSN: Usp. materialozn

Year of foundation: 2020

Проблематика: Physical materials science

ISSN (Print) 2709-510X

ISSN (Online) 2709-5118


Certificate of registration: Series КВ № 24446-14386Р, 26.03.2020

The area of science: Natural Sciences, Mechanical Engineering

Publication frequency: 2 issues per year

Language: Multi-Language: Ukrainian, English

Focus on:

  • Applied Physics and Nanomaterials. Structural Engineering of Materials.
  • Computer Design of Advanced Materials.
  • Modeling of the Behavior of Novel Materials in Extremal Conditions.
  • Computational Studies at Technology Optimization.
  • Methods for the Study of Structure & Properties Relations.
  • Phase Equilibria and Phase Transformations.
  • Physics of Strength and Plasticity.
  • Structural Materials with High Ppecific Strength.
  • Heat Resistance, High Temperature Strength, Creep Resistance.
  • Functional Materials.
  • Materials with the Shape Memory Effect and Hyperelasticity.
  • Operational Properties of Materials. Fatigue, Wear, Corrosion.
  • Surface Properties of Melts and Solids, Wetting, Adhesion.
  • Contact Interaction of Solids with Solid and Liquid Phases.
  • Soldering, Adhesive Phenomena at Materials Production.
  • Materials Science for Production and Treatment Technologies.
  • Materials & Devices for Hydrogen Еnergy: Development, Design and Behavior.

Editorial board

Chief Editor: Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr (Phys.-Math. Sci.), Professor Sergiy Firstov
Deputy Chief Editor: Ph.D (Phys.-Math. Sci.) Valeriy Kartuzov
Responsible Secretary: Ph.D (Phys.-Math. Sci.) Iryna Gorna

O. D. Vasylyev Dr (Phys.-Math. Sci.),  I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine
B.O. Galanov Dr (Phys.-Math. Sci.),  I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine
М.I. Grechanuk Dr (Phys.-Math. Sci.),  I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine
Yu.M. Koval Corresp. Member of the NAS of Ukraine Dr (Eng. Sci.), G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine
V.P. Krasovskyy Dr (Chem. Sci.),  I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine
Lakiza S. Dr (Chem. Sci.),  I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine
Yu.V. Fartushna  Dr (Chem. Sci.),  I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine
Nadiia Mameka (HZG, Germany)   Dr.-Ing. (Mat.Sci.), AbteilungHybride Materialsysteme Intitute für Werkstoffmechanik Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany
G.S. Oleynik Dr (Phys.-Math. Sci.),   I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine
O.P. Ostash Dr (Eng. Sci.), Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of  Ukraine
Yu.M. Podrezov Dr (Phys.-Math. Sci.),  I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine
Yu.V. Fartushna Ph.D (Chem.),  I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine



Omeliana Pritsaka str., 3,  03142, Ukraine, Kyiv-142
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science
Responsible Secretary:  I.D. Gorna

Paper requirements

Open access declaration

Following the guidelines of Budapest Open Access Initiative’s, the collection of scientific papers allows reades to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allows readers to use them for any other lawful purpose, keeping the original credentials in order to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and the internationalization of science.


Aim of reviewing – to increase the quality of scientific articles published in the journal by means of assessment of materials by highly qualified experts. Editorial Board guarantees anonymity of reviewers.

 Scientific articles prepared in strict accordance with the Requirements that have passed the initial control in the Editorial Board are allowed for review. If  there are comments at the stage of initial control, the article can be returned to the author for revision.

Requirements for articles formatting

An article is to be submitted to editor in both ways as a hard copy and electronically. It should be structured and bear the following sections:

Introduction describes: a problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of research taken in recent years, as well as publications in which a solution to this problem has been described and initiated and on which the author relies; identification of previously unresolved aspects related to the described problem; formulation of the objective of presented work.

Experimental / Theoretical methodology bear: a brief description of research methods, equipment, instruments and materials / theory (models) that were used to obtain the basic data.

Results and their discussion imply: a presentation of the core material backed up with a full justification of the obtained R&D results, analysis, generalization, comparison with known data, assessment of a possibility of implementation of the obtained research results, etc.

Conclusions express: the main theses of work substantiated by the obtained results.

 References: a list of references is placed at the end of article and appears as in the order of its reference in the text and in the original transcription ((Національний стандарт України ДСТУ 8302:2015).). Obligatory is to provide an additional list of cited references in Latin transcription (see the recommended transliterators:; Examples of bibliographic sources for "References" (  Приклади оформлення бібліографічних джерел для «References».). A title of article (book) should be additionally translated into English.

The text should be typed in Ukrainian or English in WORD for Windows editor (font - Times New Roman, size 11, one space). The UDC index is given in upper left corner of a page. For a title of article use size 14, for the names of authors - 13. Abstract (in original language of article), reflecting the content of work, includes four to five lines and typed in italics without paragraph (size 10), and keywords (min 5 words) The text should be typed on A4 paper, margins: -2.25 cm at the top, 5.25 cm at the bottom, 4.25 cm at the left and right (a page with text covers an area of 12.5 x 22 cm2). - copyright protection mark.

Equations. All equations must be italicized, centered and separated from the text by one space at the top and bottom. Letters of Greek alphabet, numbers, names of functions (sin, cos, ln, lim, det, exp, etc.) are straight. Vector values - straight bold or straight regular, but with an arrow → above. Equations are numbered in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the right field on the same line with a formula. Use SI units. The dimensions in formulas in WORD for Windows are as follows: the main variable is -12 pt; index - 7 pt; lower index - 5 pt; main symbol - 18 pt; index symbol - 12 pt.

Graphics, drawings, photos shall be of high quality. The size of drawing shall correspond to its fullness. The lower its fullness, the smaller is a figure. The minimum font size for a figure is 10. Figures (in jpg, gif or tif formats) and tables are attached to an article in separate files. Font size of captions to figures and table names - 10.

Along with an article on a separate sheet the authors present in English: a title of article, names and initials of authors, extended annotation (up to 1800 characters, including keywords) and keywords. If an article is submitted in English, then the extended annotation shall be submitted in Ukrainian as well.

Issues Archive


№ 7

№ 6


№ 4/5


№ 3

№ 2


№ 1