
Vacuum wetting and contact interaction of some of the metallic melts with indium and tin oxides


I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Usp. materialozn. 2021, 3:109-118


Due to the unique combination of electric and optical properties such semiconductor oxides as tin and indium oxides are very perspective multifunctional materials for variety of microelectronic devices production. Experimental studies of these materials allow to define, for example energetic characteristics of the devices created and also to improve existing technologies of films formation, joining of electrocontacts to tin and indium oxides based materials by way of brazing which require additional wetting studies. It should be noted that data on wetting of mentioned oxides by metals are practically absent in literature. Thus a detailed study of the interfacial interaction, adhesion and wetting of ceramic SnO2 and In2O3 materials with some pure metal melts in vacuum was performed by the sessile drop method using foto- and video- fixing including concentration, temporal and temperature dependences of contact angles. It was found that most of the pure metals studied don't wet SnO2 ceramics. However rather intense chemical interaction took place in vacuum at high temperatures in contact of some metals (Sn, Ge, In) with surface of SnO2. It was also shown the effect of the experiment temperature and hold-up time on the values of contact angles. Wetting angles for powdery pressed specimens of In2O3 in the temperature range studied don't change noticeably and vary in a narrow range. For example, for Ga wetting angles vary from about 138 to 128 deg and for Sn — 125 —119 deg, Wetting of SnO2 surface with Ag—Cu melt with different copper content was shown to be insufficient to use it as a brazing alloy, yet this system can be used as a basis for creating a brazing composition

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