Electrical Contacts and Electrodes

Founder - Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, Ukraine NASU

The collection is devoted to the extension of our knowledge about the nature of the electric arc and other electric phenomena and the nature of the influence of these processes on materials. Discusses changes of structure and properties of materials under the action of electric forces in various conditions, and suggests ways to improve performance of electrical contacts and electrodes, as well as other details of electrotechnical purpose.

Of interest to engineers, researchers, postgraduates and students specializing in the field of materials science and electrical engineering.

"Electric contacts and electrodes" is published once every 2 years and publishes articles in Russian, Ukrainian and English languages.

The editorial Board invites authors and teams of authors to collaborate on this topic.

Аrchive of the collection in electronic form is stored in the National bibliotheca of Ukraine V.I.Vernadsky, can be accessed at http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/natural/Teke/index.html or on the Web-site IPMS NANU http://www.materials.kiev.ua/science2.0/publications/edition.jsp?id=11

Editorial board

Editor-in-chief: leading research IPMS NASU, doctor of technical Sciences M.I. Grechanyuk, E–mail:

Editor board: professor, doctor of technical Sciences E. G. Avtandilyantz (national Institute of biological resources and nature engineering of NASU); senior researcher, doctor of technical Sciences G. A. Bagliuk (IPMS NASU); associate Professor, doctor of Physical and mathematical Sciences A. N. Veklich (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University); professor, doctor of technical Sciences B. A. Lyashenko (Institute of strength of NASU); professor doctor of technical Sciences B. Mezinski (Wroclaw University of technology, the innovation Institute, Katowice, Poland); professor, doctor of technical Sciences I. V. Melnyk (Kyiv national technical University "KPI"); professor, doctor of chimical Sciences Grechanyuk V. G. (Kyiv national University of construction and architecture); senior researcher, doctor of chemical Sciences O. V. Dudnik (IPMS NASU); senior researcher, doctor of technical Sciences O. N. Sizonenko (Institute of pulse processes and technologies NASU); professor, doctor of technical Sciences I. V. Uvarova (IPMS NASU).

Executive secretary, senior researcher, Ph. D. E. V. Khomenko (IPMS NASU) E–mail:


Institute for Materials Science Problems,
Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences,
3 Krzhyzhanovsky Str.,
03142, Kyiv, UKRAINE
Tel|Fax: (044)4241524|(44)4242131

Paper requirements

1.Paper, presented to editorial office, has to include the state-of-the-art of the problem, which the paper is addressed to, elucidate important problems and unsolved tasks, as well as it"s relation to important scientific and technical problems and applications; analysis of the recently published or patented results focused on this problem; formulated purposes and tasks; methodology used for achieving stated purposes and tasks; main results obtained their discussion; conclusions and perspective of the further research in this field.

2.The paper has to be presented as a hard copy and as an electron copy on a disc.

3.The text in the format A4 should be placed into the frame of 12,5х 22 cm 2 in size, and typed in the Microsoft WinWord text processor, using standard "Times New Roman " № 11. margins: top - 2,25 cm, botton – 5,25 cm; left and right - 4,25 cm.

4. Figures and tables in the text should be placed after their appearance in the text. In addition, the article attached drawings in a separate file with the extension jpg, gif, tif.

5.Please indicate the UDC.

6.Initials and family names, title of the paper, abstract, figure captures and titles of tables are to be provided on the language of Russian, Ukrainian and English languages.

7.Equations and formulas have to be prepared in the Equation Editor 3 inserted into the text.

8.Reference numbers should appear and increase in the text, numbering please give in brackets.

9.Full list of references has to be provided at the end of the paper.

11.Information about authors.

Issues Archive


№ 14


№ 13


№ 12


№ 11


№ 10