Specialized Academic Council D 26.207.02

Established by decree of Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine № 1528 from 22.12.2014.

Defense of a thesis for academic degree of Doctor (PhD) of Sciences (Chem) for specialty:

Announcing defence of dissertations

Head of the Specialized Academic Counсil



  • Doctor of Chemical Sciences
  • Head of Department of "Physical chemistry of inorganic materials" of Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science


Deputy Head of the Specialized Academic Counсil

Bylanova M.V.


  • Doctor of Sciences(Chem)


Academian Secretary of Specialized Academic Council



  • Doctor of Engineering
  • Head of Department of "Contact Phenomena and Nonmetal Materials Soldering" of Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science
  • E-mail: vitalkras@ipms.kiev.ua

Announcements on thesis defense

Announcement of the Dissertation Defense for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences

The thesis defense “Preparation and properties of iso- and anisotropic barium titanate nanostructures” by  Kovalenko Olgu Anatoliivnu  it is planned to defend dissertation in the online conference mode in the ZOOM program.

Code and the specialty name – 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry

Code of the Specialized academic counsil – Д26.207.02


Mr. Sergiy Viktorovych Utkin wil be defending his Candidate of Chemical Sciences Thesis entitled "Phase Diagrams and Alloy Properties in Systems Molybdenum-Iron-Boron and Molybdenum-Nickel-Boron". The defence is being held virtually (ZOOM Meeting) on Tuesday, December 14, 2021,
at 02:00 pm.

Code and the specialty name — 02.00.04 — Physical Chemistry

Code of the  Specialized academic counsil —Д 26.207.02

Announcement on the dissertation defense of Korniienko Oksana

The thesis defense " Phase equilibria in the systems oxides of the IV group d-elements and rare earths.by  Korniienko Oksana. for the degree of Doctor  of Chemical Science  will be held 6. 05. 2021  at 11.00  it is planned to defend dissertation in the online conference mode in the ZOOM program.

Code and the specialty name – 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry

Code of the Specialized academic counsil– Д26.207.02


The defense of dissertation entitled “Physico–chemical properties of nanodispersed powders in the ZrO2–Y2O3–CeO2 system”   by  Marek Irina for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences will be held in the on-line conference in the ZOOM program at May 05, 2021.

Code and the specialty name –02.00.04– Physical Chemistry

Code of the Specialized academic counsil – Д 26. 207. 02


The thesis defense "Effect of production methods on physicochemical properties of nanocrystalline powders in the Al2O3-ZrO2-Y2O3-CeO2 system" by  Smyrnova-Zamkova Mariia for the degree of Ph.D.  in Chemical Science will be held 05.05.2021  at 11.00It is planned to defend dissertation  online in ZOOM conference mode.

Code and the specialty name – 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry

Code of the Specialized academic counsil– Д 26.207.02

Announcement on the dissertation defense of Agraval Pavlo

The thesis defense "Thermodynamics and phase transformations in multicomponent glass-forming systems of transition metalsby  Agraval Pavlo for the degree of Doctor  of Chemical Science  will be held 29. 04. 2021  at 1100  it is planned to defend dissertation in the online conference mode in the ZOOM program.


The thesis defense " Phase equilibria, structure and properties of alloys of titanium and iron systems with d-metals, p-elements and REM" by Iuliia Fartushna for the degree of Doctor  of Chemical Science  will be held 22.04.2021  at 11.00  it is planned to defend dissertation in the online conference mode in the ZOOM program.

Announcement on the Ph. D. Dissertation Defense of Mykola Chayka (chemical sciences)

The Defence of a thesis will be held on 04th, December 2019 at 14:00 a.m, in I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, 3, Krzhizhanovski str., 03142, Kiev The thesis title: "Physico-chemical interaction of CdTe single crystals and ZnxCd1-xTe and CdxHg1-xTe solid solutions with K2Cr2O7 – mineral acid – solvent etching compositions".

Announcement on the Ph. D. Thesis Defense of Anna Vodopyanova (chemical sciences)

The Defence of a thesis will be held on 21th, February 2019 at 14:00 in I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, 3, Krzhizhanovski str., 03142, Kiev. The thesis title: "Thermodynamic properties of melts of the Cu–Ni–Ti–Hf glass-forming system".

Announcement on the Ph. D. Thesis Defense of Oksana Galiy (chemical sciences)

The Defence of a thesis by Oksana Galiy (chemical sciences), a junior researcher of I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, will be held on 13th, December 2018 at 14.00 a.m, in I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, 3, Krzhizhanovski str., 03142, Kiev. The thesis title: "Influence of chemical and phase composition, as well as surface condition, on electrochemical properties of alloys ZrNiMnCrMe (Me = V, Al) and electrodes on their basis".

Announcement on Ph. D. Thesis Defense of Olga Chudinovych (chemical sciences)

The Defence will be held on 6th, December 2017 at 14:00 p.m, I. M. Frantsevych Institute for problems of Materials Science, 3, Krzhizhanovski str., 03680, Kiev. The thesis title: “Phase equilibria in the systems La2O3–Y2O3–Ln2O3, where Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Yb”, by Olga Vasylivna Chudinovych, junior researcher of the Institute for Problems of Material Science, NAS of Ukraine. 

Announcement on the Defense of the Doctoral Degree Thesis (Chemical Sciences) of Anatolii Bondar

The Defense of the Thesis “Phase diagrams of systems formed by d-metals with p-elements of III and IV groups as a scientific basis for development of materials with high specific strength in a wide temperature range” will be held on December 19, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science at the address: 3, Krzhyzhanovskogo St., 03680, Kiev. The defender: Bondar Anatolii Adolfovych, leading researcher of Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of NAS of Ukraine

Announcement on the Defense of the Doctoral Degree Thesis (Chemical Sciences) of Gorbachuk Mykola Petrovych

The Defense of the Thesis “Thermodynamic Properties of Silicides and Germanides of Rare-Earth Metals” will be held on November 17, 2016 at 11 a.m. in the Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science at the address: 3, Krzhyzhanovsky St., 03680, Kiev. Defender: Gorbachuk Mykola Petrovych, Senior Researcher of the Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of NAS of Ukraine.

Announcement on Thesis Defense of LYUDMYLA KRIKLYA


The defence will be held on 3rd November 2016, 11:00 in Krzhizhanovski str. 3, 03680, Kiev, I.M. Frantsevych Institute for problems in Material Science NAS of Ukraine The thesis title for obtaining of the academic degree of the candidate of the chemical sciences: “Phase Equilibria in the Binary and Ternary Systems of Hafnium with Refractory Platinum Group Metals” Defender:  an employee of the Institute for problems in Material Science NAS Ukraine LYUDMYLA SERGIIVNA KRIKLYA.

Announcement on Thesis Defense of Oleksandra Zaikina


The defence will be held on 27th October 2016, 14:00 in Krzhizhanovski str. 3, 03680, Kiev, I.M.Frantsevych Institute for problems in Material Science NAS of Ukraine, for obtaining of the academic degree of the candidate of the chemical sciences by an employee of the Institute for problems in Material Science NAS Ukraine Oleksandra Viktorivna Zaikina. The thesis title: “Phase equilibria in the ternary systems Al–Ti–Pd and Al–Ti–Pt”.

Announcement on the Ph. D. Dissertation Defense of Oksana Potazhevska (chemical sciences)

The Defence will be held on 27th, October 2016 at 11:00 a.m, Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, 3, Krzhizhanovski str., 03680, Kiev The thesis title: “The phase diagram and properties of alloys of B-Mo-Ti and B-Mo-Nb systems”. The defender: Oksana Anatolivna Potazhevska, Junior Researcher of the Institute for Problems of Material Science, NAS of Ukraine.

Announcement on Thesis Defense of Victoria Tsukrenko

The dissertation presentation  for the Candidate of Sciences scientific degree in chemistry entitled “Physicochemical properties of hydrothermal nanocrystalline powders in the ZrO2-Y2O3-CeO2-Al2O3-CoO system”  for the Candidate of Sciences scientific degree in chemistry will be held in Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Material Science, Kiev -142, str. Krzhyzhanovskogo, 3, 03680 at March 3, 2016. 

Повідомлення про захист дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора хімічних наук МАРЧУКА ОЛЕГА ВАСИЛЬОВИЧА

Відбудеться  захист дисертації: «ХАЛЬКОГЕНІДИ p(Si, Ge, Sn, Pb), d(Mn, Fe, Co, Nі) ТА f(РЗМ) ЕЛЕМЕНТІВ: ВЗАЄМОДІЯ, СТРУКТУРА, ВЛАСТИВОСТІ» на здобуття наукового ступеню доктора хімічних  наук  МАРЧУКА ОЛЕГА ВАСИЛЬОВИЧА

Шифр та назва спеціальності – 02.00.04 – фізична хімія

Шифр спеціалізованої вченої ради – Д 26.207.02